Hi lenna, regarding prayers, there's a reason they tell us that praying is useless unless you WORK ALONGSIDE THEM.
If for example, I prayed for a job, then sat on my arse for the next three weeks and got a job anyway, yes, prayer might be more believable. But we're told to work alongside our prayers, get OFF our arses and look for a job, give jehovah something to bless. So we go out and make the effort and we get the job. And if we don't get a job then we think "well it clearly wasn't to be, it wasn't jehovah's will '. This is called confirmation bias, we're fitting the facts to what we want to believe.
I think it was the July 2013 WT that has an example of a CO not having enough money to put fuel in for a return journey somewhere, he went anyway, and lo and behold, he received a donation of exactly enough to get home! The thing is, at thistime, the tsunami in the Philippines had just happened. There were 27 jw's cowering INSIDE A KINGDOM HALL no doubt praying their socks off, but they all perished. I doubt very much that a god would step in to provide fuel money but ignore the congregated pleas of his people in HIS place of worship at a genuine calamitous time.
Besides, if he EVER steps in even for trivial things like providing fuel money (or helping a brother find a pen in the street so he could write a return visit down - true story) then surely that's exactly what satan accused him of with Job? Putting a fence around his followers. How can he intervene, full stop?
When I think back to answered prayers, I realise that I worked alongside them, I accomplished what I wanted. There were many other prayers that didn't get answered because life's a bitch.